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The Ruby of Doma (Hilda, FFXIV)
The Ruby of Doma (Hilda, FFXIV)

My first Patreon piece is complete! You can become my patron and receive the rewards for this piece at:

When I was much younger I had this fascination for drawing characters outside of their setting, with different clothes and their hair down. As I was thinking that I’d love to draw Hilda again (I absolutely love drawing that cocky face), the idea dawned on me… what if I let her hair down and dress her up in a Doman yukata?

The reward packages for this piece will include:

Process pictures, PSD files with all the layers I used, an advice blog for artists/creators, the full res file and the flower texture in this piece (for 10$ patrons).

(Note: The packages will go out next month (after the billing cycle), so if you become a patron today you’ll still be getting that bundle in the mail!)

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